Sunday, August 9, 2009

Julie & Julia

After three glasses of pinot noir and a fun night out, I will attempt to write about the wonderfully fun and uplifting movie I just saw...
Julie & Julia.
Simply put, I just smiled and laughed the entire movie. Too cute for description are both Meryl Streep and Amy Adams, as they were both fabulous. I had two glasses of wine and wonderful conversation with friends at Black and Blue and the last of a bottle at home watching the electrical storm on the deck with my family. 
I can't wait to rent the actual French Chef soon and enjoy every minute.
I hope you had the chance to read a delightful article in the NY Times that the photo above is from...
   Below - I couldn't quite capture the unbelievably entrancing lightning with the digital camera but here is a blurry pic of me and Gage enjoying the show and one of the rain falling towards the camera.

and a few more to show the eerie night... Not at all a depiction of the light heart that I feel at present but possibly an appropriate portrait of the summer as a whole. A bit of a blur and not very colorful, a little allusive, but certainly extraordinary, to say the least...  As my (almost 15 year old (gasp!)) son said tonight, "This is my Storm."


Rachael, Pistachio Press said...

I love these photos! The remind me of Ana Uru's paintings...

Gage T said...

To clarify, I had a dream about a storm two nights before this happened. The dream was just so vivid. And it WAS my storm.